Advertising Buyers and Sellers
Example of companies involved in the buying and selling of advertising.
Example of companies involved in the buying and selling of advertising.
Typical sequential diagram showing workflows for a typical ad insertion process
High level overview of the typical functional components used in an ad supported streaming application.
An Insertion Order (IO) is an agreement between the publisher and advertiser to run an ad campaign. It is the final step of a direct sold/bought advertising deal and provides information the ad operations team needs to execute the ad campaign.
Software technology that enables advertisers to coordinate and manage the automated buying of advertising with supply-side platforms (SSPs)
The measure of an ad being viewed by whoever is watching the content in which the ad is delivered. This metric, or some form of it, is often used as the basis upon which digital advertising is bought and sold. In practice, an impression for a video ad typically occurs
There are numerous industry associations, trade associations, technical groups, and standards definitions organizations (SDOs), operating in the streaming industry space (or adjacent to it). Below is a list of organizations, a description, a categorization, and a link to the organization itself. Organization Name Category Relevant Documents Simple Description SDO
Ad ID is a term that generally has two references: 1) a unique identifer for an advertising asset, commonly associated with a registry such as or an internal identifer such as ISCI, and 2) a short cut for “advertising identifier”, a unique identifier associated with a device on which
A unique identifier associated with a device on which advertising will be shown that is used for greater control in the targeting of ads to the device. Popular advertising identifiers include Apple’s identifier for advertisers (IDFA) and Google device identifier for Android known as Android Advertising ID (AAID) or Google
TV advertising model where different ads are shown to different audience segments watching the same TV program. Those segments could be defined by behavioral, demographic, and geographic factors from 1st, 2nd, or 3rd party data sets.
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