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Adaptive Bitrate
Application Programming Interface
Common Media Application Format
Common Media Client Data
Common Media Server Data
Content Delivery Network
Coordinated Universal Time
Digital Rights Management
Encoder Boundary Point
Event Message

Category: Security

Bad Actor

In streaming video, a bad actor is a pirate mass-distributes content illegally or a consumer who is engaging in unauthorized access to licensed content.

Conditional Access System

Conditional Access System (CAS) is the technology used to control subscriber access to digital television by encrypting the program signal and providing access to the

Descriptive Metadata

Basic data to describe and contextualize the content or a creative work. For media assets exhibited on streaming video platforms, this type of metadata is

Digital Rights Management

Digital Rights Management is the use of keys and certificates to authorize playback of a video stream to a specific user and/or device over IP


Encryption is the method by which information is transformed using a secret key that hides the data and protects confidentiality of the data.

Forensic Watermarking

Forensic watermarking is intended to provide a means to identify the source of leaked content at the distributor level, at the more granular device level

Geo Blocking

Geo-blocking is a technology that restricts access to video content based upon the user’s geographical location.

High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection

High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection is a form of digital copy protection to prevent copying of digital audio and video content as it travels across connections.

The Streaming Video Wiki is organized and maintained by the Streaming Video Technology Alliance, a global technical association dedicated to solving the critical technical challenges of streaming high-quality video at scale. For more information about the SVTA or questions about this Wiki, please contact the SVTA.

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